Thank you so much for all your wonderful help! We have purchased a new “pink bear”. We have been searching for almost 3 years now, and thanks to your website, we have found a wonderful replacement!…
Thank you, thank you, and a million more thank you’s!….
I am looking for a Carter’s brown bear wearing a pink sleeper and bear slippers. This bear is my daughter’s prized possession, and she takes him every where. It’s her “Pink Bear”.
We have been searching EVERYWHERE to try and find a replacement before he is no longer mendable. He already has new soles to the bottom of his bear slippers.
Please, if there is anyway to find this Pink bear it would be much appreciated.
Thank you!
If you can help Nicole find this Carter’s Brown Bear wearing a Pink Sleeper and Bear Slippers, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including POST CODE #010509-2 in the subject
Originally posted 01/05/2009