Searching – 2001 BLUE VELOUR BEAR with FLOWERS on CHEST & FEET
I’m looking for the bear my son got when he was born in 2001. He is light blue and had pink flowers embroidered on his chest and feet. His nose is pink thread, too. The material was a soft velvety texture.
My son received him from his Great Grandma, and he has slept with him ever since. He would have been purchased in the Cedar Rapids, Iowa, area.
Bear isn’t doing so good these days. I’ve tried to get him to put him away, however he loves him dearly and wouldn’t dream of sleeping without him. I fear his head is going to come off any day, and sewing him up is no longer possible.
The tags are too worn to identify who made him. I’ve been searching the internet for years to see if I can find him. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I know he’s out there somewhere. My son is now 8, and if Santa can find him maybe he’ll believe in the magic for a little while longer!
Please help if you can.
If you can help Sonya find this Blue Velour Bear with Pink Flowers on his Chest & Feet, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including POST CODE #120109-4 in the subject
Searching for a toy – Originally posted 12/01/2009
I am looking for THIS BEAR TOO!! I saw the pic on pinterest. My daughter got a pink one in 2000 when she was a baby. It is lost forever and she is devastated. Please let me know if you have any luck. Thank you so much!!!
Post Code #10475