Searching – 80’s Fisher Price YELLOW PLAID RABBIT BLANKIE Will take other colors
I’m looking for a Fisher Price security bunny blankie. I’d prefer yellow, but I’m open to any color, new or gently used. These were sold in the 80’s, and they were also offered as premiums through Pampers Diapers around 1985-86.
I know there is one on Ebay now, but the bidding is going up rapidly.
My daughter, now 18, has two of these fellows named Mary and Jimmy (she couldn’t remember Joseph’s name at the time), and they are well worn and provide hours of good-natured ribbing. She always wanted a third, to be named, Jesus, of course, but we never could find one. Now that Mary and Jimmy are off at college with her, I’d love to surprise her with another. Besides, I’m pretty sure Mary and Jimmy will soon be kidnapped by the girls that live in her dorm.
If you can help Julie find this 80’s Fisher Price Plaid Rabbit Blankie, preferably Yellow, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including the POST CODE #021310-1,
Searching for a toy – Originally posted Saturday – 02/13/10
Hi! These were actually made in 1979 (what it says on the tag) so when you search, include that. You are really not going to find one that doesn't get bid up to $100 or more. I have sold 2 and not gotten less than that. The best thing to do is try every keyword you can think of & search, search, search! Because the economy is sad right now, you might get lucky & find one cheap!
AND there is a yellow one on eBay right now. Bids are at $61.50 as I write this with a little over a day to go. The number is 350314532856. Good luck! Lucinda
ebay Item number: 180469647009
Item number: 260553579671
Item number: 220556124848
cheaper reproduction very cute
ebay Item number: 370185313580
post code # 021310-1
ebay item # 190375100276
POST CODE #021310-1
If you are still searching try
ebay # 300591698998 yellow not cheap
ebay # 330605636403 yellow bid currently at $51
However with cost being what they are for this item here is a link that you might be interested in
It is a person who used SUSAN’S SEW-NIQUE also a link to Susan on plush memories.
Best wishes and let us know how it is going.
Thanks, Carrie. I sent this to the mailing list. I usually suggest Susan’s version when they first ask for help, due to the price these always go for.
ebay # 180826014074
pink version buy it now OR best offer with free shipping. Hope this helps!
Thanks, Rebecca!
POST CODE #021310-1
ebay #300792719150 bid
ebay #170925051343 bid
ebay #251166307343 bid or buy now
ebay #221126531956
ebay #120996590904
ebay #180970311269
ebay #180970310533
ebay #110963389559