Searching – 2003 Aurora People Pals HUSH PUPPY & CHARLIE HORSE FINGER PUPPETS
If the finger puppets exist, they probably would not look exactly like these full body puppets.
While at work the other day, I came across a Lamb Chop finger puppet! She’s even in mint condition! After so many years of watching Shari Lewis and to have lost her just a few years ago, I was amazed when very few of my coworkers knew who Lamb Chop was! Thankfully, I found several who did.
When I sent my mother a picture of it (which I bought that night, taking no chances), she was desperate for me to buy it. She was hoping that we could find a Hush Puppy and a Charlie Horse, too. I have been up and down eBay, Amazon, and Google searching for Lamb Chop’s friends.
Lamb Chop is a People Pal finger puppet by Aurora, 5″ tall, and the copyright on her back is 2003. I’m looking for a Hush Puppy and a Charlie Horse finger puppet. I am not even sure the finger puppets exist.
My mother would be ecstatic if someone knew where we could find the missing two to the set, if they exist.
If you can help Bryan find a 2003 Aurora People Pals Hush Puppy & Charlie Horse Finger Puppets, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including the POST CODE #14140,
Searching for a toy – Originally posted Monday – 04/05/2010
Avon also made lambchop finger puppets. I haven’t seen Charlie or Hush Pupper finger puppets yet
I’ve found several listings for the full-body Charlie Horse and Hush Puppy puppets on Ebay, but IDK if that’s what you’re looking for.
Not quite. I found several full-body hand puppets up for sale, but the Lamb Chop finger puppet I have is only 5 inches long.