Searching – Mama Piggy, Now Threadbare, Once Was Pink / Rattle
My mom bought this pig, she THINKS in a JC Penny’s at Christmas time of 2001. It has a round rattle ball inside of it, and if you can see, the eyes are a patch, not the plastic, button or glass.
Originally, Mama Piggy was soft and pink and had a pink ribbon attached around her neck. Feet and inner ears were a pink satiny material and yes, the tail was once curly. LOL
This is my daughter’s best friend and constant companion. As you can see, the pig is getting totally threadbare, no longer pink, lost most of the stuffing, and what you can’t see, is that there is a small hole on the neck. YIPES!!!
I don’t know the maker of Mama Piggy, but I THOUGHT it was Dakin/Applause. The tag was chewed off years ago. So I just don’t know. I’ve seen some similar pigs during my searches, that were GANZ, RUSS, and a few other brands. Please, if you can help us, we are so desperate to find another “Mama Piggy” we would deeply appreciate any help we can get.
Thank you so very much,
If you can help Tiffany find this much loved pig, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including #012207 in the subject, .
Searching for a toy – Originally posted 01/22/2007
Ebay Item number: 170254606025. This pig looks a lot like Babe the Pig.
She says that one is not it Tami, but thanks for trying.