This is a Kids Preferred lamb.
Hi, my daughter has a white faced lamb with pink and white polka dots on the body and pink and white stripes on the arms. It has white feet with pink on the bottom and a pink bow on its left ear.
I got it from my baby shower and have no idea who got it for me. It is now so ragged (as it goes everywhere with us)that I need a new one and can not find one. (I’ve looked everywhere) Can you please help?
Thank you!
If you can help Stephanie find this White Lamb wearing Pink with Polka Dots and Stripes Outfit, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including #040608-4 in the subject, .
Originally posted 04/06/2008
Please be sure you use an email address that is correct, and that you will be using for a long time!! I can’t help you if I can’t contact you!! (use AT and DOT in your addy)
This “Kids Preferred” lamb is on auction right now on Ebay.
Great! I did something different this time, Tami. Now that more people are searching with us, I did not even try to find this one. I will be able to concentrate on the hard ones that don’t have photos, etc., and leave the rest for readers to find. I am soooo far behind on posting I don’t know what else to do.
Thank you!!! I emailed her right away.
Heavens…. you are wonderful. You are just one person. No worries.
I just wish that we could contact the people so you didn’t have that extra work.
Don’t over do it my friend,
The only way to leave me out of the contacting part would be to have them put their email address on the blog. And you know what would happen if they did that – big time spam and even viruses.
Here is another one on ebay
I’m looking for the same lamb and I keep missing them on ebay. Can anyone please help?
Thank you,
If we did find one for you, we don’t have any way of contacting you, Lud.
Since I can’t contact you, please keep an eye on this post and watch for the next time someone gives the link to one for sale.
ebay 370064251204