FOUND – Tree Top Toys KOALA BEAR with Black Eye Patch BLANKIE
Thank you so much!!!
The shiny new “blobbly” arrived in the mail today!! My son was so excited.
We are searching for a replacement for “Blobbly”. It is light blue, satin on 1 side and fleece on the other, and only about 12in x 12in. Blobbly has a flat koala head with a black patch over 1 eye at one corner and 2 little arms. It was originally purchased in 2004, I believe at Tree Top Toys.
He was given to my son, Ryan, as a baby present in the hospital when he was born. Ryan just adores him.
He used to take Blobbly everywhere, and he can’t go to sleep unless he is snuggled with Blobbly. He used to lay the smooth satin side over his feet when he slept. As Blobbly got more and more frayed, he stopped taking him to daycare to snuggle with at naptime. He left him at home to help “keep him safe” so he would last longer.
He has been dealing with Blobbly getting older, until last night, when the stuffing fell out of its little paw. He began sobbing that Blobbly was falling apart, and soon he wasn’t going to have him anymore.
If you can help Janel find this Tree Tops Toys Koala Blankie, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including #071708-2 in the subject, .
Originally posted 07/17/2008
Ebay Item number: 110346489455
I had looked for hours for this toy, and found it accidently. Good Luck
As soon as I saw your post, I went straight to ebay – and it is him!
Thank heavens it was a “buy it now” item too. There was much dancing and high-fiving going on here.
Janel or Tami,
Could you tell me what brand this lovey is? Do you know if it is Cach Cach?
Thank You!!
071708-2 I'm not sure, I don't think the one I found had a brand name on it. I will keep watch for it again.
ebay 250431159419
Found another, brand?
Truly amazing!!
Many thanks!! :o)
thanks much!
It was pure luck on this one. The seller didn't know the brand.
I think maybe made by woof & poof