Searching – APPLAUSE 80’s Large BLUE or WHITE BEAR with BLUE Pom Pom NOSE
I am searching for a teddy bear that was made by Applause around 1986, and the name of the bear is GUS TY. It was made in Ohio Lic. # 8805(CA). Because of the age of the bear I am unable to read the rest of the tag. They have big pom pom looking noses that stick out.
They were available in 2 sizes – small, about 5 inches, and the large one, about 15 inches. I think they only came in two different colors – white and blue. They were bought in Florida at Jbyrons when I was 9 yrs old.
My twin sister and I LOVED THESE BEARS so much that we had our mom make us a costume to look exactly like them. And now with us being 31 they have been so loved that they are falling apart at the seams. We are looking for both the white and blue larger bears.
I have been looking for these bears since my daughter was born, and she is almost 7. Soooo … Please help! I’ve looked on eBay and many other sites with no luck.
Thank you,
If you can help Cassandra and her twin find this Applause Blue Bear with a Pom Pom Nose named Gus Ty or the White version, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including #082508-1 in the subject, .
Searching for a toy – Originally posted 08/25/2008