Searching – Commonwealth CREAM & TAN MOUSE plus Walmart GREEN & CREAM FROG
We were able to help Heather find the mouse, but she is still looking for the frog.
I purchased my son’s frog from Walmart in late 2004. He took to him right away (as an infant) and although he is missing an eye and his belly has lost all stuffing, he is the favorite/security frog. He is affectionately known as “Cog”.
He is approximately 16″. His toes and butt are filled with bean bag material…the rest is/was fiberfill of some sort. His fur is very plush…I think it is what is called chenille plush. He is green all over with a cream colored chin/tummy and pads of his “hands” and “feet”.
His eyes are/were white plastic quarter sized “marbles” with green and black painted detail and protrude from his head. The area where his eyes are/were is green (no cream). His “mouth” is a slight very thin smile embroidered in bright red. I have searched all over and have found some frogs that are close, but not “Cog”.
My daughter’s lovey came from a search on Ebay. The seller was not a commercial stuffed animal seller and therefore has no info on where to find another one. The lovey is a mouse.
He was made in 1993 by the Commonwealth Toy company. Now this mouse comes in two different sizes (20″ and 14″ approx) and two color schemes (grey w/ pink accents and cream w/light brown accents). I am looking for the smaller 14″ mouse in cream w/ light brown markings on pads of “hands”, “feet”, inside of ears, and nose.
He has two fairly close set glass eyes with a thin brown iris and larger black pupil. The eyes are bigger than a pencil eraser but smaller than a dime. He has a long tail (approx 7.5″) and large round “mousy” ears. My daughter affectionately calls him, “Mou-Mou”. When I first bought him he was very soft and plush…but is now well worn and “ratty” after quite a few baths. He has a bean bag butt but the rest is filled with some sort of fiberfill.
A unique characteristic of this mouse (in both sizes) is the slight offset turn of his head (turned slightly to the right when looking at him). I am not sure if this will be obvious from the pics because he is so worn so I wanted to mention it.
Please, please help. We are desperate for both to be replaced!!!
If you can help Heather find the Commonwealth Cream and Tan Mouse or the Walmart Green Frog with Cream Chin, Tummy, and Feet, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including #092908-1,
Searching for a toy – Originally posted 09/29/2008
I am hoping to find these guys by Christmas. Please HELP!! Feel free to contact me at TENEYCKFAMILY at VERIZON dot NET.
ebay 170329327116
for the mouse
ebay Item number: 110396066274
Oh say, I was curious if Heather might have found her daughter’s mouse yet, because I’ve found one(in a slightly larger size):
eBay item 230871741914
Is this the frog?