6 years ago, my youngest son was given for Christmas a Gund bear by his 3 older brothers. It was purchased from a Family Christian Book Store. They had a promotion to purchase them for orphans as well.
My son has dearly loved his companion so much that he is in tatters. The bear is all brown and came with a red satin ribbon (the one in the photo is not the original). The eyes are a dark brown with a black center, and the nose is embroidered. It is about 17″ long.
Can anyone help me with a replacement?
If you can help Alison find this GUND Large Brown Bear No. 42462 with a Big Red Satin Ribbon, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including POST CODE #020109-4 in the subject
Originally posted 02/01/2009
I’ve joined the blog, and wanted to let you know. Alison
ebay 200304092513
Are limbs jointed?
Tami, no the limbs are not jointed. Did you find something?
Alison 020109-4
Allison, did you check the one on ebay? Item # 200304092513. Not a satin ribbon, but pretty close.
Yes, I have sent an inquiry to the dealer asking for more details. Thanks so much.
I checked with the seller last night. They don’t know the year. The limbs are not jointed, but floppy.
I’ve done a little more research. I believe this bear is part of the James Fund Christmas Bears in conjunction with Family Christian Stores in their first year of selling these to customers and also distributing to orphans–2003. It may have been named Barnabas. It is the foundation, along with the Maria Memorial and Shaohannah Fund, of which Steven Curtis Chapman is a main contributor. However, with this additional information I still have not located any bears like my son’s. The one Tami located is fairly similar.
POST CODE #020109-4
Appears slightly smaller by seller definition but maybe similar?
Ebay #160523478913
Ebay #310228849560
Good luck!
No, neither of those was right, but thanks for trying.
POST CODE #020109-4
Could there be an error in where this bear came from or the listing? Please look and let us know. Best Wishes!
ebay #390385228268 Adorable Gund 16″ BRADLEY the Borders Plush Brown Bear 42462 Euc!
This is it! It’s been a long search, and I had given up. Thanks so much for helping us locate this. My son is thrilled.
I have one it is floppy with satin bow no tips or tears 5594588011
Post Code #9694