Searching – 80’s? 90’s? FLOPPY BROWN MONKEY with CREAM FACE & PAWS (No Tail)
I am looking for a monkey that was bought for my brother at a yard sale by my dad. The monkey was instantly my brother’s favorite. As we grew up, we made movies with him, started websites about him, etc. I had great luck with my own lovie, so I wanted to see if anyone could offer help with the monkey…
I don’t know anything about it, other than he had long(ish) fur, brown eyes with black middles, and off-white paws and face. He does not have Velcro hands, and was very floppy. He does not have a tail. He is about 15″ tall.
Thanks for any help!
If you can help Alicia find this 80’s? 90’s? Floppy Brown Monkey with Cream Face and Paws, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including POST CODE #020409-2 in the subject
Searching for a toy – Originally posted 02/04/2009
POST CODE #020409-2
were there ever ANY responses to this post? i had a monkey just like this, except it was white with a yellow face/hands and no tail. they might even be the same brand. even that would help.
p.s. sorry i couldn’t offer any info, but good luck.
No, I checked, and we did not get any responses on this monkey. I’ll write you, Rae.