I’m looking for the maker of my daughter’s favorite toy. She’s already lost the first generation, but luckily I had already purchased a backup. I’m looking to buy another backup, but I can’t find the toy!
I purchased the first two at an Albertson’s Supermarket in my hometown in California. The store has since gone out of business. I also saw them at the Rite-Aid store in my town, but they no longer sell them. I have looked and looked. I feel it’s just a matter of time before this one is misplaced, and if I didn’t have another it would break her heart.
It’s a very light pink pig that is in a sitting up position kinda like a teddy bear. The bow tied around the neck is in a bit of a checkered pattern. The base color of the ribbon is cream, with dark brown and burgundy stripes. The eyes are black with a bit of white in the middle. There are two black dots on the nose.
Now, he’s been through a lot and washed quite a few times, so he’s looking a bit worn down. The ribbon around the neck is probably the most recognizable trait from how he looked right off the store shelf.
Thank you so very much!
If you can help Vanessa find this Pastel Pink Pig with a Cream Bow with Brown and Burgundy Stripes, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including POST CODE #030309-6 in the subject
Originally posted 03/03/2009
Preferred Plush
Ebay Item number: 260310645157
Thank you so much Tami! That is exactly the piggie i was looking for. I can’t explain how much of a relief it is to see that little guy. Thank you for the time and effort, this site is wonderful.
Let Rosemary know when it is safe in your arms. Glad we could help