Searching – Carter’s Just One Year My First Bunny WHITE RABBIT with PURPLE FLOWER PRINT EARS & FEET
For some reason, out of all the stuffed animals we have, this is the one my daughter wants with her at all times. This Carter’s Just One Year bunny is white with purple with flowers. The ears and feet are purple. The writing on his tummy reads, “My First Bunny” in pink lettering. He’s about 8-10 inches long.
I want another one or two for back ups and one for at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. I’ve learned that when a child finds their favorite lovie, it is best to have at least two if not three of them.
I think it’s a wonderful service you provide. I recently found your site, and I plan to help others find the animals they’re searching for, too.
Please help me find this bunny!
If you can help Colleen find this Carter’s Just One Year White My First Bunny Rabbit with Purple Flower Print Ears & Feet, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including POST CODE #053009-2 in the subject
Searching for a toy – Originally posted 05/30/2009
Ebay item This seller has 7 available if you need more then one. Good luck!
Just as an FYI – we have this adorable bunny too, and we got it at Target. I don’t know if they still have any, as we got it almost a year ago, but that was the source for us.
I have the bunny! I will post it on my ebay store today. I have about 6 of them if you need more. I will beat the price of the one mentioned above as well. I will post the item # for you momentarily! Thanks! Tiffany
Hi Colleen! I just posted the bunny. It is item # 370209926152 . I have 6 of them, and you get 10% off of your second (or third, or whatever) item plus a combined shipping discount. The price is only $14.99 a piece which is cheaper than the others that I could find on ebay. I’m not trying to make a killing on mom’s in search of their kiddos “best buddies”. I’m a mom too! Thanks! Tiffany
I just saw a couple of these guys at Ross the other day. They were two or three bucks! Worth a look! 😉
ebay item #370055386792
I too am looking for this bunny. I’ve looked on ebay and amazon with no luck. Can anybody help? Thanks!
eBay item# 160557454265
POST CODE #053009-2
If still needed? Good luck!
ebay# 150579460957 nwt 2 available
ebay# 160639908030
ebay# 330604557284
ebay# 360365283260 nwt
ebay# 350490068206 nwt
ebay# 270777277746 nwt
POST CODE #053009-2
Currently looking for at least 2 of these bunnies…..MY daughter’s favorite!
POST CODE #053009-2
ebay #300596579597
ebay #330725289616 2 available
ebay #251032398343
ebay #150579460957 nwt 2 available
Here are some current options. When searching be sure to try under both bunny and rabbit. Also under both carters and just born. Good luck!