SHELLIE FOUND THE PINK LADYBUG ON AUCTION ON EBAY! But that’s not the end of the story!
We received this email today, August 15th.
My husband and I are looking for the same ladybug (we decided not to bid on the one on eBay, because we felt so bad for Shellie’s daughter), and we’re wondering if you had been contacted by anyone else who may have one of these hard-to-come-by little guys?
I wish we did have another one, but no such luck. Now we’ve just GOT TO FIND ANOTHER LADYBUG for this unselfish couple!!
Thanks to our dear readers, I was able to email Christie today with the link to one of these ladybugs on eBay. Christie had already found one, so if anyone else needs this hard to find lovey, now is the time to get it as a backup or a replacement.
If you can help Christie and her husband find this lady bug THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including #080806 in the subject, .
My daughter lost her favorite stuffed toy. It was a pink ladybug wind up. I think it played “Twinkle
Twinkle Little Star.” It was made by Carter’s, and I purchased it from Target in 2003.
Originally posted 08/08/2006