This mother’s email reveals a disturbing problem with the design of some satin lined blankies.
I have just returned from the hospital. My four month old almost suffocated on the satin side of this blanket. She was taking a nap with it. When she woke up she pulled it over her head and sucked on the satin side and got it wet. It then stuck to her face.
The satin dot side and fuzzy side are not quilted together. We had to give CPR, and it was about 30 minutes before she could breath normally.
It is a beautiful blanket, and was her favorite, too. I found your web site while looking for the manufacturer of this blanket.
So please don’t help anyone find it!
Suffocation Prevention
I know that tiny babies should not sleep with any plush animals or other items that could cause suffocation. The Consumer Product Safety Commission uses the slogan Bare is Best. But I’m not sure how old a child has to be for such lovies to be safe in the bed. Sounds like this is something you need to ask your Pediatrician.
Possible Fix for Satin Lined Blankies

If the satin lining is loose, you could sew the middle of the satin to the upper blanket animal. Many companies stitch the middle of the lining to the underside of the animal head.
One of our larger blankies has stitching in the middle. But, because of its size, the loose satin might still be a problem. So that one might need some additional quilting stitches to avoid this possibility.