I’m looking for my 1985 Precious Moments by Applause plush white rabbit. It has pink silk detailing (in the inside of ears and bottom of feet) and has tear drop shaped eyes.
Some babies have pacifiers, ours had ”Bunny.” This was not supposed to have been a lovey and was simply a decoration in our newborn’s room, as I had an entire collection of Precious Moments on display in her room. However one day she pointed to it, and we made the mistake of handing it to her. We have not gotten it back.
18 months later, Bunny is getting worn being run through the washer every week, since our daughter takes her EVERYWHERE. The silk nose has worn off, along with the silk ears. We are searching for a replacement now for when bunny doesn’t survive another wash or gets left or lost someplace.
If you can help Lana find this White Precious Moments 1985 Rabbit, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including the POST CODE #18022,
Originally posted Monday – 01/31/2011