We have a mailing list of people looking for this same doll, but not for the blond.
I’m looking for a duplicate of a Carter’s Just One Year brunette doll with cloth pigtails, not yarn. She’s wearing a pink sleeper with dark pink and white polka dots collar, cuffs, and bottom of the feet, with My First Doll embroidered on the sleeper.
I know it was purchased at Target on clearance in late July/August 2009. Once it became clear my daughter was choosing it as her lovey, I went back to get a duplicate, but no luck. I have only found one on eBay, but was outbid.
If you can help Elizabeth find this Carter’s Just One Year Brunette Cloth Pigtails My First Doll, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including the POST CODE #15780,
Searching for a toy – Originally posted Friday – 05/07/2010