I am looking for a white Carter’s “Just One Year” bunny. The insides of his ears and the bottoms of his feet are brown, as are his eyes and nose.
I am looking for this bunny for my three month old daughter. My brother, her uncle, gave it to her before she was born, and she absolutely loves it. Bunny is the only thing that will get her to calm down when she is overtired or upset.
Bunny is so important, because this past year my brother was diagnosed as being bipolar, and has gone through a lot of really tough situations on his way to getting better. I thought we were going to lose him for good at one point. The simple act of him getting Maddie her first lovey was the first sign that the old him was coming back.
He is my only sibling and we are very close. Bunny is a lovey not only for Maddie, but he is also a link for me to my brother. I don’t know what I would do if Bunny was lost. I hope that someone out there will be able to help us find another Bunny just in case. Thank you so much!
Bless you,
If you can help Rebecca find this Carter’s Just One Year White Rabbit with Brown Ears & Feet, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including POST CODE #080509-1 in the subject
Searching for a toy – Originally posted 08/05/2009