They are looking for a light BROWN bunny – this was just the best I could do with editing the photo! Sorry!!
It all worked out for the best, though. The “white” bunny I found to fake the light brown one turned out to be the exact light brown one they needed! Grace emailed the seller from the link I sent her, and she found out the seller’s photo was too light.
I am looking for a Dan Dee Collectors Choice Soft Expressions Plush Brown Bunny holdinga a Basketball. We lost our original one at Disneyland and fortunately for us, my niece had a friend with one. It is now as tattered as the original one, so we are trying to find a few for back up. Many thanks for providing such a great service.
If you can help Grace find this DanDee BROWN Bunny with a Basketball, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including #051308-2 in the subject, .
Searching for a toy – Originally posted 05/13/2008