Tricia is still looking for this bear.
I’ll admit it, I’m a recent college graduate who still needs her teddy bear. I’ve never been without him. He was a great help when I moved to college to have that little bit of home with me, even if I didn’t sleep with him any more.
I lost him somewhere (I have NO idea where he could have gone!) over the summer and I am desperate to find him.
As crazy as it sounds, I had dreams for his future! For example, I planned to give him to my own child some day. I am very upset over his departure and after a false lead on e-bay, I am desperate to find him.
My bear is a Gund bear that I purchased with my own money (my first time ever spending money on something) at Hudson’s around 1993.
He is a champagne color 15″ GUND teddy bear, wearing a red, green, black and white plaid ribbon around his neck and tied in a big bow under his chin. His fur is long and curly. His four paw pads are velvety soft and his stitched nose is the color of his fur. His eyes are shiny black.”
Thank You!
If you can help Tricia find this Gund Honey Colored Bear with the Big Plaid Bow, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including #100708-1 in the subject, .
Searching for a toy – Originally posted 10/07/2008