I am looking for a Koala Baby pink and white stuffed rabbit for a backup. All I can find is a label saying Koala Baby. The other label is washed out, but I could make out the number 5428.
We adopted our little Jamie from China in February of 2007, from an orphanage in Shenzhen China. The children at these orphanages never really have anything they can call their own and have to share everything they get their little hands on.
My older daughter Kathy gave Jamie this rabbit, and it became the one thing that she takes everywhere with her. If she can’t find her rabbit, she gets quite upset until she finds it. She is taking it to Show and Tell at her Preschool this coming Monday, and will tell the other children in her class all about “Hoppy”, as she calls her rabbit.
It has gotten quite dirty, and from what I remember from the label it can only be surfaced cleaned. However, I believe it is beyond the cleaning point. I was glad when I came upon your site, where I may be able to locate another rabbit for her.
Thanks so much,
If you can help John find this Large Koala Baby Pink & White Rabbit, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including #091308-3,
Originally posted 09/13/2008