Hi, I am looking for a back up for my lil one’s most cherished companion, her little bear. He goes everywhere she goes. Her bear is brown, approximately 12 inches tall, and is not the talking version. We have a talking one, and she doesn’t like it. It is from the Maurice Sendak Little Bear kid’s show. I think it was made by a company called Kidpower, but I’m not 100% sure.
I am dreading the day something happens to him. I have been searching all over the internet, thrift shops and yard sales for another one and haven’t had any luck. Any help in locating another one would be wonderful. I am hoping to prevent a broken heart from happening.
Thank you so much for your help. I was amazed the first time I came across your web site at what a wonderful thing you have created. It is so hard for some people to understand the critical bond that children make with their lovy’s. YOU ALL TOTALLY ROCK!!!
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Originally posted Monday – 06/07/2010