I’m looking for my stuffed cat from when I was a child. He is an 8 inch cat, though some people say he looks like a dog. His big head is 50% his body. He has black ears and a black nose, with hard plastic eyes. He is in a sitting position and his body is firm. His feet have pink on the bottom. He was originally white with black stripes, with green eyes, and he had whiskers. He was bought in 1983, and I was told the female version came with kittens. He came with the name Wendslow (sp?).
It is very old and falling apart. My daughter has fallen in love with it, and I need one in better shape, so she can have her own! (And I can have mine back!) I hope you can find him or the female!
Thanks so much!
If you can help Belynda find this 80’s Big Head Seated White Cat with Black Stripes Named Winslow, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including the POST CODE #15792,
Searching for a toy – Originally posted Saturday – 05/08/2010