I’m looking for the Carter’s Baby No. 96154 small yellow duck with peach beak and feet. My 6 year old son LOVES it. This is a replacement to one he got when he was a newborn (bought in 2005).
Last Friday was the last week of school. Unfortunately, my son Tyler snuck Ducky in his backpack, and it was lost at daycare. School is closed for summer. I’m hoping we can recover it once school reopens. He got Ducky as a gift when he was a newborn. Tyler loved his Ducky so much, he called him his brother. Tyler cried for weeks.
I had been looking for this duckie a VERY LONG time. So, I ended up buying the duck on eBay that you told me about, but I am STILL interested in buying another one if you can find it.
Please let me know if you come across a new or like new one.
If you can help Maria find this Carter’s Baby No. 96154 Small Yellow Duck with Peach Beak & Feet, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including the POST CODE #19115,
Searching for a toy – Originally posted Friday – 06/10/2011