We need a replacement for my grandson’s lovey, which is coming apart after many washings. It is a gray elephant, lightly stuffed so that he is very floppy, with a long trunk and very large ears. He is super soft, but has a rather sleek fur, instead of a fluffy fur. We think he is a Manhattan toy. He was bought at a baby store in 2004. We later bought his cousin, a hippo, for the younger Grandson.
If you can help Grandma find this Manhattan floppy gray elephant, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including #080401-2 in the subject, .
Searching for a toy – Originally posted 08/04/2007
The good news is that I found a Floppy 2 on ebay, but thanks so much for the service you are providing for kids with lost loveys. Jean