Hi everyone, I am looking for another rabbit like my daughter’s old friend Gee. He was bought from a Baby Shop in Auckland, New Zealand in 1980. His country of origin or brand is not known. Originally he was white on the front side and blue on the back side. He also had small, round glass eyes that eventually broke, and I replaced with black stitching (as per photo). His ears were blue with white satin inside. He is very small, measuring 5 and a half inches from tip of ears to bottom of feet, and only 4 inches from top of head to bottom of feet. He is not jointed at all and does not have a lot of features – I guess you might call him a flatback. He came undressed with a tiny blue ribbon around his neck.
Now-a-days he usually wears clothes and is inclined to favour tiny floral dresses, but I have taken the photo as he originally came to us. Anything else would just be confusing! (lol)
These may have come in other designs, as I also remember her having a small black & white cat about the same size. We would love to find the cat also, but I have no photos of him. He was very similar to Gee, only with a black back and a white front. He had a black sewn mouth a bit like two U’s with black sewn whiskers coming out each side ( >UU< )and wore a tiny red ribbon around his neck.
My daughter and her husband have a little 2 yr old of her own now and would love her to have a GEE just like her mummy.
Any help finding either Rabbit or Cat would be greatly appreciated.
If you can help Brenda find this 1980 Small Flat Rabbit with White on Front & Blue on Back AND Similar Cat with Black on Back, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including the POST CODE #15213,
Searching for a toy – Originally posted Sunday – 04/18/2010