I am searching for the Carter’s white rabbit with bunny hearts on the tummy and purple ears, but we don’t want a rattle.
The ‘Bun-Bun’ as my 15 month old calls it, is her comfort. It goes everywhere with her. Daycare even made a bulletin board with bun-bun as its centerpiece. My daughter feeds, rocks and pushes bun-bun in a stroller.
Without her we’re afraid of how upset she’ll become. Once, while being babysat at a relative’s my daughter was hysterical, they called us to come back, but when we got there they had realized that my daughter couldn’t find Bun-Bun. They said as soon as she had her rabbit she stopped crying and calmed down.
Washing a white rabbit weekly is taking its toll, and we can’t find a rattleless replacement!
Please help!
Thank you for any information!
If you can help Shannah find this Carter’s White Bunny Hearts on Tummy with Purple Ears WITHOUT the Rattle, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including POST CODE #070109-4 in the subject
Originally posted 07/01/2009