This edited photo shows the real rabbit with an attempt to show the original look.
HELP – my granddaughter is turning 16 this year and has one birthday wish – to find Bun-Bun. He was a stuffed bunny that she loved for years. The tags were taken off, but here is a description: White Bunny with blue satiny overalls, with yellow buttons, and a long-sleeve green shirt. The inside of his long ears were peachy-pink (satiny). He had no legs, but puffy feet. His eyes were brown, sewn in a oval shape, and his nose was peachy (maybe made out of felt?). He was purchased in the 1990’s at Bradlees in NJ.
Thank you for any help,
If you can help Deena find this 90’s White Rabbit Wearing Blue Satin Overalls, with Yellow Buttons and a Green Shirt, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including POST CODE #031509-11 in the subject
Searching for a toy – Originally posted 03/15/2009