I’m really hoping you can help me. I am desperately searching for my “Sally” that I got when I was six years old. “Sally” was what I called her, but I’m not sure of who made her, or what the name is. I got her back in ’89 when I was six years old from my grandma. She had gotten her from a garage sale.
She was a white stuffed bunny about 10″ high. She had a pink hat on that was actually part of her head, the only part of the hat that was not attached was the brim of the hat. She also wore a pink shirt, which was also part of her body except for around her arms which was loose. She had little floppy white arms and feet.
She originally had a tail, but when I got her, it was gone, but you could see the brown where a tail used to be. She did have a tag, so I know she wasn’t hand made, but it was completely rubbed off. She wasn’t fluffy, she was more of the hard stuffing.
I might have a picture of me when I was little with her, because I know descriptions can only go so far. If you post this on your webpage, I can send you the picture. I really hope you can help me find her. I am now 24 years old and have been searching for my “Sally” since I was 13. At that age my grandpa accidently threw her away in a bag of clothes. I was devastated. Please post and help me find my “Sally”. Thank you sooo much! : )
If you can help Sabrina find this vintage rabbit, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including #120107-4 in the subject, .
Searching for a toy – Originally posted 12/01/2007