I’m looking for a Carter’s about 3-4 inch tall white rabbit with brown paws and inside ears, wearing a red ribbon around its neck. It was sold in early 2009, and he has a style number of 41547 0509 po#11290.
My granddaughter cannot sleep without this rabbit. She will not go anywhere without it, either. If we cannot find this rabbit that she calls Baby, she cries until we locate it. She is very attached to this rabbit.
Because of my long deployment in the military, I missed many precious moments with her. I would like to help find her something that means a lot to her. I just worry, because we have had a few moments that we did not know what we were going to do! Her parents told me that I might be able to find one online, but I have not found one. I just do not want something to happen to her rabbit, and then we would not have have any way of fixing it.
Thank you for all your help!,
If you can help Lisa find this 2009 Carter’s Small White & Brown Rabbit, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including the POST CODE #19640,
Originally posted Friday – 07/22/2011