Please read this warning about satin lined blankies.
I’m looking for a Gerber white chenille rabbit blankie with yellow satin lining. It seems at one time that they came in yellow or pink binding.
I saw one on Ebay for $99.99. I am certainly not looking for anything like that.
My granddaughter has one now that she sleeps with and has a terrible time going to sleep without it; naps or at night. We are just afraid we will lose it or leave it somewhere. They have left it a couple of times already and had to go back and get it, and we would like another one to have in reserve.
Two of my other grandchildren have had similar plush sleep toys, one a rabbit that was worn completely out, went to hospital with him, 1st day of kindergarten, etc (Velveteen Rabbit story) and the other one had an elephant blankie.
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
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Originally posted 11/22/2009