Hi Rosemary,
My mom received the lamb I believe this past weekend and we are visiting them this weekend and I got it =) It is the same exact one!!! I am sooo thankful to have it! I appreciate it so very much, it really means a lot to me! I hope you have a terrific weekend! God bless!
Hi! I was so happy to find your website. I was wondering if anyone could possibly help me find a very special stuffed lamb.
He was bought at Target around September 2006. The tag on his ear said Cuddle Zone and 9 inch round lamb. He is very soft and cute with a big nose =)
He is very special to me because my husband and I bought this when I was pregnant…unfortunately our baby passed away when he was just 5 days old, and his lamby was buried with him.
I would really like one like it for me to have kind of in remembrance…I’ve looked all over at Targets and eBay and can’t seem to find him. They still have Cuddle Zone at Target but they changed the types of animals.
I appreciate any help I receive in how I could find one like him!!!
Thanks again. God bless!
If you can help Julie find this roley poley Cuddlezone big nose lamb, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including #042008-1 in the subject, .
Originally posted 04/20/2008