Please read this warning about satin lined blankies.
My daughter, Hope, has fallen in love with this bunny lovey. She sleeps with him, snuggles with him, and he comforts her. She sucks her thumb and holds the bunny in her hand at the same time, with the ears of the bunny right up against her nose!! We call him “Pat”, because he reminds us of the bunny from the Pat the Bunny book.
I know it’s made by Prestige and was purchased almost 2 years ago at Toys’R’Us. It’s a white bunny finger puppet (has blue eyes, 2″ ears close together with pink satin inset). The bunny is holding (arms wrapped around) a pink velvety blankie with satin trim and satin lining. It measures 14″ from tip of ears to tip of blankie.
I still have the original, but fear the day we should happen to lose this one and would love to get my hands on one, or two, or three…hehe.
Any help would be soooo graciously appreciated!
If you can help Julia find this Prestige White Rabbit Head & Arms Holding Pink Blankie, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including POST CODE #070409-8 in the subject
Searching for a toy – Originally posted 07/04/2009
It is a prestige Baby Connection Bunny.
I found a blue one on ebay, will keep looking for pink
Ebay Item number: 370173225644
Here it is on eBay 370228707507
not sure if you are still looking, but there is this same pink & white one on ebay item # 120750283464
buy it now or best offer with FREE SHIPPING!!!
The seller also has the same one in yellow as well!
Thank you. We since my first post 2 years ago bought two blue ones off ebay. We now have 2 blue ones and one very torn and tattered pink one. Thank you. NOw that she’s older we’ve told her that if she should lose the ones she has there will be no way for us to get anymore. So the search is over for us. Thank you for all your help!