I’ve got him!!!!!! He is here!!!!!!! He is absolutely perfect. I can’t wait to give him to my son on Christmas! It is the exact bear. What a long shot, I can’t believe we found him. Thank you so much for all of your help. I just can’t thank you enough!!!! We will always be so grateful for everything you have done! Thank you again and have a great night! Be sure to thank the person who found him for me!
I am looking for a replacement for my son’s beloved teddy bear. He has taken it everywhere with him since he was a baby. He is in pieces and my son is devastated. He is open to receiving a newer version of the same bear, so I am desperately trying to find one.
He is brown with a red and green scarf and about 13 inches long. On the tag on its leg there is an item number either 47553 or 47558 I can’t tell if the last number is a 3 or 8. It says distributed by Target corporation Minneapolis MN.
I was actually able to find a duplicate of my daughter’s favorite elephant on eBay, and my son was heart broken saying, “Mommy but I need a new bear. My poor bear is broken, and he needs a friend to make him feel better.” All he asked Santa for last year was a new bear to make his feel better, and I of course felt terrible, because I couldn’t find one. Someone gave me a link to your site today so I thought I would try it. Thanks so much for all your help. I really do appreciate it. It’s a great service you are performing.
Thanks so much for your help!
If you can help Katie find this Target Brown Bear Wearing a Red & Green Scarf, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including POST CODE #080909-5 in the subject
Originally posted 08/09/2009
Post Code #080909-5
Approximate size (head to toe) please???
He is approx. 13 1/2 inches. Give or take an inch
post code 080909-5
Post code #080909-5
Katie – I think I've found it!!! Check eBay 200373030126. It was just listed and it looks like a fluffy version of the one you have pictured. Oh I hope this is the one!!!