I’m looking for a large shaggy chenille beige puppy dog head, arms, and body on one end of a rectangular blankie. The bottom and tail and legs are on the other end. It has brown ears, nose, feet, and tail and a cream satin binding.
We are already proud owners of 2 of the Beige puppies that my daughter ADORES!! We would love to find at least one more that is unused to keep as back-up. My mother-in-law bought both of them @ a book fair that came through her high school that she teaches at before our daughter was born. Neither of them had tags on them saying what company made them, etc, so we have been searching for one for a few months.
Thanks, and we would appreciate any info/details you could give,
If you can help Paula find this Large Beige Shaggy Chenille Dog Blankie with Full Body, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including the POST CODE #17504,
Originally posted Saturday – 11/13/2010
I am also searching for this puppy blankie. we only have one, and my daughter uses it every night. I have been searching for 3 years and can find no information on this puppy. any info would be helpful. Thank you!
This looks like the blankets MY BANKIE made
It does look very much like theirs, but it’s not. The photo is of one we sold, and it does not have a tush tag, as opposed to having a tag cut off. Thanks for helping, Elle!
There is one that just popped up on ebay:
Ebay item#
Hope this helps!
Thanks, Saren!! I’ve passed the link along to the mailing list for this one. And this one looks like new, too!!
ebay 160586875792
Here’s one on ebay: 260851292936
Thanks, Kent. I sent it to the mailing list.