Home » Do You Buy Dolls with Your Child’s Skin and Hair Color?


Do You Buy Dolls with Your Child’s Skin and Hair Color? — 6 Comments

  1. Thanks for coming on my blog – I don’t have much to say. Oh, I compliment your blog.

  2. LOL! Come on computerjoe, anybody who writes as well as you do on your Webby’s World blog certainly has something to say.

    Thanks for the compliment and for stopping by, and please come again.

  3. I don’t buy my kids dolls, seriously, my daughter likes pigs, they are usually pink….so #@$^%!??

    (edited in accordance with our stated policy)

  4. With only a few exceptions, our daughters both preferred stuffed animals to dolls, too.

    But they didn’t seem to have a particular animal as a favorite, like your daughter and her pigs.

  5. I rarely buy my girls dolls — they get so many as gifts! If I bought them, I would probably conciously buy some that did not look like them. At church, they have several dark-skinned dolls, and my girls will pick them up as often as the light-skinned ones.

  6. Children are nowhere near as color conscious as adults tend to be, so your daughters’ random choice of dolls of different skin tones is not surprising.

    So I’m wondering, Gem, if other parents also make a choice to buy dolls with different ethnicities.

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