Home » Have YOU Ever Faked Finding a Lost Blankie??


Have YOU Ever Faked Finding a Lost Blankie?? — 1 Comment

  1. yes, we too have had to fake a lost lovey! My daughter’s puppy dog “dottie” was tattered and torn and we tried to fake it and it just didnt’ work! It may work for others, though so I will post what we did…..

    We told her we were putting her dirty old dottie in the washing machine and then into the dryer and so she saw us put her in the washing machine and we put the new dottie in the dryer. About 45 mins later, we called her in to get her dottie out of the dryer. We told her once she was washed, she would look like brand new again. Well, she pulled her dottie out of the dryer and almost started crying cause she didnt’ want her dottie to look like new~she said she liked her better the dirty and tattered way! After much pushing and trying and talking with her, we realized she was just too upset to handle this new lovey; so we explained that the old one was safe and pulled it out and that we needed to put that lovey in a safe place to keep it preserved. She wanted no part in it and being she was nearly 6yrs old and understood what we were doing and since I had an old teddy from my childhood, we explained that my teddy was put up and not taken out and since we now have a new and the old, let’s take the new one outside the house and the old, favorite one will stay at home and in her bed whenever possible. So this is what worked for us!

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