GO GO BEANS the MONKEY Travels the World & COMES HOME!
Yes, the internet can be a dangerous place, and I constantly caution our children to be careful how they let our grandchildren use it. But the internet is also full of wonderfully loving and thoughtful people who will go out of their way to help someone they have never met, and never will meet.
The story of Go Go Beans the Monkey is a story of the hundreds of online angels who helped to make this precious story possible.
I invite you to read the almost two year saga of this monkey – from being left on an airplane, to sending postcards to Noah as he traveled around the world, to being found and sent on his way back to one precious little boy – who never lost faith that Monkey Monkey Go Go Pork ‘N’ Beans would return home. To get the full impact of this story, you need to read all the comments, too!