
FOUND – SUGAR LOAF White CAT — 3 Comments

  1. These aren’t the same brand, but maybe close enough?? I’m not sure what the new, unloved version of the lost kitty look like. I imagime maybe something like these…
    eBay #200228812285 or #230259626821

  2. There was a girl who bought a puppy from me on eBay. The puppy was her daughter’s lost lovie. After she bid, she told me the story of the lost puppy. I was quite relieved that she won the auction at a good price. (I think she was the only bidder.)
    When I mailed out the puppy, I dressed her in a hula skirt (it was a cup decoration from a hula party I went to), and I put a little note in the package about how much I (the puppy) loved being on vacation and wasn’t ready to come home yet. I also put paw prints on the outside of the package, and put some stickers inside for the little owner of the lost puppy. (Kind of like a souvenir from the trip).
    The woman wrote me back and told me that her daughter was sooo happy to see her puppy again, and she loved the note and the stickers.

    Of course, I like the story of Go Go Beans traveling the world too!!

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