Searching – 2005 DanDee LOVABLE HUGGABLE FROG
I am looking for a Dan Dee Lovable Huggable Frog that I purchased at Walmart a couple of years ago. It originally had a red line mouth of thread that is not in the photo. It was a gift for my niece ( now 3). She takes him everywhere and has lost her beloved “BIG FROGGIE”.
We think she left him at the movie theater. We called and asked them to look, but they didn’t find him, so we think another child may have picked him up. He’s very much missed. She is obviously upset and I would like nothing more than to “find” her froggie for her (and maybe a couple back-ups just in case). I emailed Walmart but without the UPC they can’t really help me.
If you can help Cherise find this DanDee Loveable Huggable Frog, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including #070108-4 in the subject, .
Searching for a toy – Originally posted 07/01/2008
The one on eBay has much brighter color and yarn mouth, so I’m not sure. It’s worth checking out though: 180321959832