Searching – DAKIN / Applause Blue & White PLUSH PENGUIN
I am searching for a small 6″ plush penguin that I believe was made by either Dakin or Applause in the early 1990’s. I think that there was a picture of a hand on the tag, but the tag has been lost by now. It is either an emperor penguin or a king penguin.
If you know anything about this penguin, like the company that made it, when it was made, where it can be found or bought, or any other piece of information, please help!
If you can help James find this DAKIN / Applause Penguin, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including #080408-1 in the subject, .
Searching for a toy – Originally posted 08/04/2008
Here is one on ebay but is 12″ not 6″. Applause does have hands on tag.
Applause World Wildlife Fund King Penguin.
Ebay Item number: 300183519121
I emailed James, just in case they could use the larger one, and I copied the photo from the listing, so I can get a better picture here.