I am looking for a Child of Mine plush doll with brown hair with loose pigtails (hair is parted in the front). I bought one for my daughter in 2004.
Her doll has been through a lot of wear and tear over time and now has several holes in the body … not sure how much longer the doll will last. And the body no longer looks PINK, as it should. This doll has been with my daughter since birth and has gone everywhere with her for the past 4 years. To be able to have another one in good condition or even to have this one repaired would be great.
The main difference between this doll and several I have seen on sites like eBay, etc. is that our doll has loose, straight pigtails and every other one I’ve seen thus far has braided pigtails. My daughter also has the doll with the braided pigtails and definitely knows the difference.
Thank you
If you can help Robin find this Carter’s Child of Mine Doll with Loose Brown Pigtails, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including #080708-9 in the subject, .
Originally posted 08/07/2008
I found this doll on ebay. For your doll 080708-9 .
EBAY Item number: 230279245483
That’s it Tami!!! I emailed Robin. Thanks as always!!!
Robin did get it, thanks to you, Tami!!
No problem, glad I could help.