Hi, I fell upon your website when I was searching for a dog for my daughter. She has one, but insists on taking it everywhere, and if she ever loses it, that will be the end of her sleeping! So I am trying to find a second one.
“Pepe” was given to her by her babysitter when we left Boston. He was bought either in Brookline or Cambridge and at the time had a checked ribbon round his neck that matches his paws. He is super soft and was purchased in January, 08, and the tag says No. 2455.
You would think I should find him, but I have searched everywhere! Actually, I recently bought a very similar one on eBay thinking he was the one, but he was much bigger and the paws werent checked.
I appreciate any help you can give me, and I congratulate you on this website. It is amazing! What a heart you must have!
If you can help Sarah find this Animal Adventure White and Black Dog with Blue Gingham Checked Bow, Paws, and Feet, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including #100708-2 in the subject, .
Searching for a toy – Originally posted 10/07/2008