Gordie is still looking for this dog.
I’m trying to replace my son’s indispensable brown dog. I believe it was sold in 2007 as Animal Alley by Toys ‘R Us. It is about 7 inches tall and has two shades of brown and long floppy ears and shaggy hair.
This animal is his security blanket. Once he became attached, he has never spent a night nor afternoon nap without it held tight in his hand with its tail on his nose as he sucks his thumb. I am panicked that it’ll get damaged or lost, and we’ll be left with nothing to keep him calm.
Given the amount of time spent with him, it is already starting to fall apart, and, despite several repairs, I’m worried it doesn’t have too much more time!?
If you’ve seen this dog, please help him out today!
If you can help Gordie find this 2007 Small Animal Alley Tan & Brown Floppy Ear Dog, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including the POST CODE #19407,
Searching for a toy – Originally posted Friday – 07/01/2011