We recently took a much anticipated trip to Orlando, Florida. The trip was absolutely perfect until the last day. My husband and I missed “Bubba” in the hotel room as we were doing a final “look through” to make sure we hadn’t forgotten anything.
It must have been wrapped up in the blankets. We called the hotel as soon as we realized it was missing, but they haven’t been able to help us.
It was sold @ Sears circa. 1999, I don’t know who made it, but it was a receiving blanket that was white fleece and had blue elephants, yellow giraffes and sheep on it. I have contacted Sears for help but have not heard back from them.
Brennan is six years old and has always used “Bubba” as a comfort tool and is his best friend. He struggles with a learning disability and gets easily frustrated. Many times “Bubba” is the only thing that can comfort him.
Until about a week ago he cried himself to sleep wanting “Bubba”, and each morning he would ask if the hotel found “Bubba”. This week his new “plan” is to have Santa bring it to him, because Santa will be able to see where “Bubba” is and bring it to him.
My heart is breaking, and I am desperate to find a new improved “Bubba”. I believe I bought it at Sears (possibly JC Penny’s or Carter’s). My best guess is that it might be a Little Mimos, but I really don’t know. I would appreciate any information anyone might have, so I can continue my search.
Thank you,
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Searching for a toy – Originally posted 11/11/2008