I am looking for a 10 inch long Carter’s Just One Year blue dog, which was given as a gift to my son when he was born.
‘Baby’ is light blue, with one yellow, blue and red spot on his stomach, and stripes on the bottom of his feet and inside his ears. ‘Baby’ also has a red collar with a doggie tag that says ‘my best friend’. When you pick up ‘Baby’, you can hear a baby rattle inside of him.
Currently, my son is 19 months old and takes ‘Baby’ with him everywhere. He can not fall asleep unless he has ‘Baby’. He sucks on the paws to fall asleep. We have tried to replace ‘Baby’ with other stuffed animals and he wants nothing to do with them. I’ve washed ‘Baby’ over and over again and I’ve even had to sew up his arms. Now ‘Baby’ is starting to smell really bad and even after he is washed a few days later he is back to smelling.
I have looked everywhere and can not find it. Please help me find my son another ‘Baby’.
Thank you so much,
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Originally posted 02/21/2009