I’m looking for a Just Stay Little Carter’s pink with blond bangs doll. She’s in a bunny? bear? outfit, with little rounded ears. It has bunny slippers on.
Presley will be three on Halloween and I have been looking for a new “baby” forever. I have washed it and she has rubbed the silk out of the ears of her “baby” So I was just going to get another just in case “baby” doesn’t make it through a washing.
I would love to be able to give her her “baby” when she gets older. I never had a “baby” when I was little, so I love that she has something to hold on to forever!
Thanks and good luck,
Mari Beth
Ps I think what you are doing is wonderful, and I will let all my friends know.
If you can help Mari Beth find this Carter’s Pink Just Stay Little Blond Doll with rabbit or bear ears on her outfit (needs to be less than $20 if possible), THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including POST CODE #102908-8 in the subject
Searching for a toy – Originally posted 10/29/2008