I’m looking for a TYCO? 8 inch KITTY KITTY KITTENS. It’s a gray, tan, and white Calico cat with filament whiskers and a pink vinyl nose. There is a ball rolling in the head that makes it sound like it’s purring when you move it.
I’ve lost my Tyco Kitty Kitty Kittens. There is one on eBay, but I can’t afford it. My very own was very worn, the fur was not fluffy, her nose was missing, and her balloon in her popped. She was a very beloved item to me, and she’s been with me everywhere. I think I lost her last year while unpacking, but I am unsure. I have been very upset over losing her, and in a tragic turn of events my real Calico cat, Mouse, disappeared last week. I’ve been devastated over all of this.
I would love nothing more then to find a replacement, worn or not, for my sixteenth birthday this year (in August) Any help would be loved.
If you can help Molly find this TYCO? KITTY KITTY KITTENS Gray, Tan, & White Calico PURRING Cat, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including the POST CODE #18378,
Originally posted Monday – 03/21/2011