Hello, my story with my stuffed snowman is that he was given to me when I was 2. I’ve loved him ever since. I used to carry him with me almost everywhere (under my shirt) until I was 6 when he got ripped and his insides started falling out, which my babysitter fixed. This happened again a year later.
I use him to fall asleep. It’s hard for me to fall asleep without my snowman, and when I don’t have him my arms try to find something in his shape to hold. I’m older now, but he is so important to me. I’ve had a lot of family issues and am very sensitive and sentimental. When I’ve been sad, my snowman has been one of the only things that I’ve been able to talk to about what happens to me. During times when I had trouble with my friends and felt left out, I was able to rely on my snowman as my friend.
Change is very hard for me, and I’m afraid my snowman will fall apart, and I won’t have him anymore. I don’t know what I would do if that happened.
I don’t know what to do to make sure that he doesn’t fall apart. I don’t want to lose him, since he is too special to me. He is “my brother,” my family. Please help me find a solution, so that the fabric on his body doesn’t get so thin that he just falls apart. I don’t know what that is, because I don’t want a new snowman. I just want to somehow reinforce his “skin.”
Here is the information on the back of his tag: Style#54411 PA4726(KR) OH 12627 N.J. His dimensions are: 15 inches tall by 6 1/2 inches in width not measuring arms, and with arms out straight it is 13 1/2 inches wide.
Based on the photos, I’m pretty sure Mr. Snowman is an Eden Raymond Briggs Snowman, Wearing a Green Floppy Felt? Hat and Fringed Scarf.
I had an idea that if we could find one with the right dimensions, the new one could be opened up, the stuffing removed, and the real one safely tucked inside. M did not want to do this. Another suggestion given in a comment was to open it up and fuse interfacing to it BUT our most reliable stuffed animal crafter has said this would RUIN the snowman. Maybe you will have another idea.
If you have any suggestions about how this young person can preserve their “brother”, Mr. Snowman, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including the POST CODE #16010,
Searching for a toy – Originally posted Friday – 06/04/2010