This may possibly be a Kellytoy dog.
I’m looking for a stuffed dog; it’s around 12-14 inches, with floppy golden ears, a brown fuzzy nose, and black eyes. It has white fur on the majority of it, however, there is a golden patch over it’s right eye and on its feet. There is a sheerish golden bow around its neck. It was bought at Walmart 10 years ago. The tag is worn off, so the brand is unknown.
On my 9th birthday, my Grandma took me to Walmart and let me pick out anything I wanted. I picked out this toy and named him Rufus. Since then, he has slept next to me on a nightly basis. Since leaving for college, however, I found I was in need of a replacement Rufus, since he is becoming too delicate to travel with back and forth.
If you can help Rachel find this 2001 Walmart? White Dog with Golden Yellow Ears, Eye Patch, Feet, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including the POST CODE #21116,
Originally posted Wednesday – 12/28/2011